Farewell Kitchen - Paul's Cioppino

Try it at home and tag us on social media @FarewellHarbour we would love to see your dishes from around the world! #farewellfood
You will need:
- 1 pound of halibut or white fish
- 1 large onion diced
- 2 large potatoes peeled and diced
- 12 clams or large prawns
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 chopped green pepper
- 2 cups of tomato juice
- 1/2 cup of red wine
- 1 can of diced tomatoes around 28 ounces (800g)
- 1 teaspoon of oregano
- 1 teaspoon of dried parsley
- 1 handful of fresh basil
- 1 pinch of ground black pepper
- Cut the fish into small chunks (approx 1 inch square)
- Part boil your potatoes until tender but not soft, drain and set aside
- Slice the onions, garlic and green pepper and cook in a tablespoon of oil until softened
- Add tomato juice, wine, can of tomatoes, oregano, parsley and pepper and cover. Cook for 10 minutes
- Add the fish, clams/prawns and cook for a further 15 minutes
- Uncover, add the potatoes and cook for 10 minutes or until the potatoes are soft.
- Serve with a sprinkle of fresh basil!